
To separate the body from the machine

To separate the body from the machine

Publication Date: 2015

Artwork type: Editioned book  (94 pages)

Medium: Acrylic silkscreen ink, India Ink and various water-based ink on recycled newsprint.

Dimensions: 11.25 in W x 14.5 in H x 0.5 in D  (35cm x 28cm x 2,5 cm)

Binding Type: stapled

Edition Size: 8 plus one extra (Out of Print)


Imagine someone needs five cookies to keep on going. Yet all you have to share is half a cookie.

To Separate the Body from the Machine is about my work as a caretaker for a man who is living with a paralysed body. My intentions with this work is to visualise my own confrontations and limits with such a paralysed body and its often hidden surprises in dealing with ways to move. 

The main focus, the space where we meet, is pain. Pain, caused by the physical inability to move autonomously, as well as its counterpart, one’s will to live. This will often renders me speechless and leaves me in awe. 

I worked on this book during my residency at the Art Students League of New York and during my residency at Djerassi. The work process included sketching and then transferring the images and text into a recycled copy of the Brooklyn Rail. 


Library of Congress, University of California at Los Angeles Louise M. Darling Biomedical Library (UCLA), The New York Public Library (NYPL), University of Delaware, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Pennsylvania State University (Penn State), Grinnell College, KB nationale bibliotheek, Herzog August Bibliothek.


Editions / Artists Book Fair 2016 (EABF 2016), Codex International Book Art Fair 2017

With many thanks to Christian Guerematchi and Diana Blok.